Storytelling for business

If Winston Churchill were alive today he might be tempted to say: never has so much been communicated by so many to so many with so little effect.

Every day, workers in all sectors are bombarded by information embodied in presentations, briefings, documents and emails.

How much of that stream of data can they absorb, let alone remember and act on? Very little. Neuroscience tells us that we can hold only three or four chunks of information in our heads at any one time, while we forget half the information presented within an hour and almost all of it in a week.

That’s why clued-up organisations are reverting to a much older form of communication – storytelling – to enhance the impact of their communications.

Humans are hard-wired to respond to stories. We can close our minds to messages delivered in bullet points, but we can’t resist the learning implicit in well-told relevant stories.

Stories can enliven your presentations, exemplify your messages, demonstrate your values and differentiate your brand. Internally, they can strengthen corporate culture and build loyalty, pride and motivation.

But first you need to learn how to tell them – and that’s where Clearsay comes in. Our expert trainers help you understand the science behind storytelling, unearth the compelling stories within your organisation and practise using them to influence key audiences.

See our training in action video below.

Contact us today to find your stories and make them work.